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Xealth Platform

Xealth Digital Command Center

Gather Insights. Inform Digital Decisions.

Track Provider Utilization

The Xealth Digital Command Center (XDCC) provides the unique ability for health systems to monitor order details about digital apps and content, including frequency, location, and clinician. This provides deep insight into your digital ecosystem, enabling leadership to see what apps and content are used most across the enterprise. When health systems have access to this information, they can combine digital engagement details with their in-house clinical outcome details and easily understand which tools drive the biggest outcomes.

Explore Patient Engagement Trends

Patient engagement and activation rates are collected and displayed through the standard set of dashboards within the XDCC so health systems can monitor the usage across the digital health integration platform. Aggregate patient information is captured to illustrate trends and give a high-level overview into digital programs. The information can be used to match demographics to solutions and downloaded to match Xealth data with EHR patient information.

Measure Programs Against Industry Benchmarks with Dewey

With millions of assets and programs distributed to patients spanning dozens of conditions, Xealth has unique industry insights on how use cases for similar patient groups in similar situations should perform, from maternity to chronic disease management, preventative care to surgery preparation. Xealth’s Dewey benchmarking tool provides real-time charts to show how each category is tracking so that users can compare performance of their programs against comparable programs elsewhere.

Leverage Reports to Help Inform Decisions

Enterprise level analytics are essential for determining which partners are working well and which providers are making use of the engagement possibilities. Provided reports include provider adoption and usage rates, use case order levels and patient engagement reports, including email open rates, engagement via the patient portal, and URL click tracking. This information can be used to ramp up or scale back digital programs, educate providers on usage benefits and understand patient digital consumption.

Equip Health System Leaders

Care teams, physician leaders, and health system executives can see the effects of more engaged patients, while measuring outcomes and effectiveness of different prescribed content, apps, services, and connected medical devices across the entire system. All of this helps inform the organization’s future digital strategy to ultimately drive better outcomes.

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