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Note to readers: This is the second post in a six-part series exploring the economics of digital health.

Virtual care – encompassing telehealth, remote patient monitoring, and digital therapeutics – revolutionizes healthcare delivery by meeting the rising demand for accessible, efficient, patient-centered solutions. 

With an increasing need to manage chronic diseases, provide timely interventions, and enhance patient engagement, virtual care solutions are indispensable. 

Central to this transformation is Xealth, a leading digital health platform that integrates seamlessly into clinical workflows, driving efficiency and improving patient outcomes.

Integrating Digital Health into Clinical Workflows

A critical aspect of successful virtual care implementation is its integration into existing clinical workflows. 

Xealth excels in this regard by embedding digital health capabilities directly into Electronic Health Records (EHRs). This integration ensures clinicians can access and utilize virtual care tools without leaving their familiar EHR interface, significantly reducing the effort required to manage digital health interventions. Without such integration, clinicians often face challenges accessing data, leading to underutilization of available digital health resources.

As highlighted in a HIT Consultant article on Stel Life’s remote patient monitoring partnership with Xealth, integrating care delivery into clinical workflows is essential for maximizing the effectiveness of digital health solutions. Xealth allows clinicians to prescribe and monitor health apps and services directly from their interface, streamlining processes and saving valuable time.

Xealth’s integration with EHRs bridges this gap by seamlessly incorporating Stel’s RPM program into existing clinical workflows. This empowers providers with instant access to vital health data, enabling them to make informed decisions regarding patient care.

Enhancing Patient Enrollment and MonitoringXealth digital command center

Xealth simplifies patient enrollment in virtual care programs, making it easier for patients to participate in chronic disease management, maternity care, and other health initiatives. The platform’s Digital Command Center offers real-time insights into patient health data and engagement levels, enabling proactive patient care management.

For instance, patients enrolled in chronic disease management programs can be monitored continuously, ensuring they adhere to their treatment plans. This capability is crucial for managing conditions such as diabetes, where consistent monitoring and timely interventions can significantly impact patient outcomes. Xealth tracks patient engagement and alerts healthcare providers to potential issues, facilitating prompt action.

Facilitating Seamless Communication and Support

Effective communication between patients and healthcare providers is vital for successful virtual care. Xealth supports direct communication channels through integrated digital tools, enhancing patient interaction and satisfaction. 

This seamless communication is exemplified by the virtual care program at the Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin health network, which utilizes Xealth and Glooko to manage diabetes and weight. By utilizing Xealth to deliver the Glooko mobile app, clinicians gain seamless access to real-time patient data without toggling back and forth between solutions, facilitating more informed care decisions even when in-person visits are impossible.

Driving Efficiency and Reducing Overhead Costs

One of the significant economic advantages of Xealth is its ability to reduce IT and operational costs. 

By centralizing digital health applications and data management, Xealth enables health systems to scale their virtual care offerings without substantial additional investments. The platform automates many aspects of the digital health workflow, reducing the need for manual input from clinical staff and saving valuable time and resources.

For example, by using Xealth to deliver a tobacco cessation clinic video to patients before their visits, Duke University Health System significantly increased clinic attendance. The estimated lifetime cost avoided per patient who attends their first visit is $8,200.

Case Studies and Real-World Impact

Case studies from leading healthcare organizations like Providence and UPMC demonstrate Xealth’s effectiveness. These implementations showcase the tangible benefits of Xealth in scaling virtual care solutions, improving operational efficiency, and enhancing patient outcomes.

At Providence, integrating Xealth has significantly improved patient engagement and care management. 

Providence utilized Xealth and Twistle’s remote patient monitoring tool to safely track and educate over 1.2 million COVID-19 patients at home, reducing hospital strain and leveraging virtual visits conducted by more than 18,000 providers.

Similarly, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) has reported enhanced workflow efficiency and better patient outcomes using Xealth. 

UPMC utilized Xealth to automatically distribute setup instructions and an animated video to patients scheduled for telemedicine visits, ensuring efficient and stress-free virtual appointments without additional burdens on clinicians.

Realize Virtual Care’s Full Potential

The Xealth digital health platform is a powerful tool for enabling efficient scaling of virtual care. 

By integrating seamlessly into clinical workflows, enhancing patient enrollment and monitoring, facilitating communication, and reducing overhead costs, Xealth addresses the critical needs of modern healthcare systems. As the demand for virtual care continues to grow, healthcare providers must consider adopting solutions like Xealth to meet this demand effectively.

Request a demo today to learn more about how Xealth can create efficiencies for your healthcare organization to scale virtual care. 

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